Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sewer Treament Plant.

At the sewer treatment plant, i learned that they use micro-organisms to clean the water. Also, the water is cleaned many times, and tested. Everyday, before sending the water out, they test the levels. What i didn't know was that the water has oxygen put into it, so the micro-organisms can survive. Sometimes, too many micro-organisms are in the water, so they "kill" some of them off. I can't think of anything else we could do to make that process more efficient, it seems like everything was thought of.

When recycling, you separate white glass, brown glass, tin, and plastics. At the recycling place, the thing recycled most often seems to be plastics. I also noticed that a lot of people recycled bottles that could have been returned... seems weird that they would want to recycle them like that, instead of returning them to the store. I will recycle again, my family always recycles glass, and plastic.

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