Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hubble Site Posting.

1. Using the x-ray viewer, i found the sun, and the milky way center.
The Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth. The Sun is half-way through its lifespan of 10 billion years. It is not a black hole.
The milky way center 28,000 lightyears away. It is a supermassive black hole. The black hole reveals itself in x-ray and radio images.
Using visible light, i saw M33.
M33 is a stellar mass black hole. It is 2.1 million lightyears away. Many of the million stellar mass black holes are visible to us.
Using the radio waves, i saw Betelgeuse and the Moon.
The moon 240,000 miles away from the Earth. It is not a black hole. It is Earths companion, it orbits around us once a month. Betelgeuse, also known as the red giant, is not a black hole. It is 430 lightyears away. It is too distant away to see in a x-ray image. All stars become a red giant late in life.

2. During the voyage to Cygnus-X1, we passed the moon, and all the planets. Then went past the Nebula's, the Ring Nebula, Dumbbell Nebula. Then we got to Cygnus-x1, which is a binary system where a stellar mass black hole pulls gas out of a star that orbits around it.
Then came the voyage to Andromeda, a black hole in a spiral galaxy million lightyears away from the Earth. The black hole inside the galaxy is thirty million times heavier than the  Sun.  On the way to the galaxy, we passed everything we passed on the voyage to Cygnus-x1. The only difference was that we had to go a little farther.

3. What is a black hole? A black hole is an object that is so compact that its gravitational force is so strong no light or anything else can escape it.
Do black holes live forever? Yes, black holes can evaporate, and return their energy to the universe. (Stephen Hawking proved this in 1974)

Do black holes obey the laws of gravity? Yes, they obey all laws of physics, including the laws of gravity. The black hole is a direct consequence of gravity.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I would like to learn about the technology used in solar panels. I'd like to see how to make one, and put it together. Also, i would like to learn more about wind energy, and other kinds of energy and how to store it. The internet i already know quite a bit about, but not on a mac. I would like to see how water treatment plants work. Also, how people think of these new ideas.